
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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Seshine Total Machine

  • 대표이사 최경준
  • 주소 경북 의성군 봉양면 분토1길 29 (분토리) 세신종합기계
  • 전화 054-832-0971
  • 팩스 0303-3447-3109
  • 이메일 chyj19@nate.com
  • 부스번호 W-25-15
  • 홈페이지 seshine.co.kr
Seshine total Machinery company. is a leading company in the industry based on its advanced technology We have grown with our customers based on our accumulated technology over the years, which is Seshine total Machinery company. is a leading company in the industry based on its advanced technology We have grown with our customers based on our accumulated technology over the years, which is worthy of the name of a great master in the field of agricultural machinery and fruit tree control equipment and a new knowledge in the field of fruit tree control equipment.
We will do our best to improve quality by always pursuing only the best, and we would like to meet our customers as we continue to develop further.
기업상품 2