
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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  • 대표이사 송찬영
  • 주소 전북 정읍시 정읍사로 509 (시기동, 전북과학대학) 310호(시기동, 전북과학대학교 창업 보육센터)
  • 전화 0639239970
  • 팩스 0639239971
  • 이메일 sukl623@naver.com
  • 부스번호 EO-117
  • 홈페이지 www.ursanup.com
Since its establishment in May 2020, BANSEOK INDUSTRY Co., Ltd.
is a rapidly growing agricultural machinery manufacturing company
with 6 patent applications and numerous agricultural machinery lineups.
Rural areas are facing serious problems such as labor shortage, aging population,
and declining profits. Founded to solve these problems,
BANSEOK INDUSTRY is dreaming of a transition to the era of one-man farming
by supplying agricultural machinery to replace manpower.
To this end, we are constantly researching and developing agricultural machinery
that all farmers can use conveniently and safely.
who solves the problems of rural areas in Korea and advances together
BANSEOK INDUSTRY provides excellent quality agricultural machinery at reasonable prices
and is with customers through thorough follow-up service.
In addition, doing our best to provide convenient services that meet the needs of farmers.
The new challenges of BANSEOK INDUSTRY will not stop
so that farmers who protect the foundation of the country can farm without worries.
기업상품 4