
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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  • 대표이사 송준복
  • 주소 경북 의성군 구천면 소보안계로 1545 (유산리) 창신
  • 전화 054-862-8740
  • 팩스 054-861-8740
  • 이메일 qhr119@hanmail.net
  • 부스번호 E-17-1
  • 홈페이지
Changshin Agricultural Machinery is dedicated to producing safe products with a heart for nature and people by building production facilities suitable for each process with the goal of providing convenient and secure agricultural machines for farmers.

Changshin Agricultural Machinery is the first technology in Korea to develop and distribute agricultural motorized vehicles for high-place works, and we are steadily developing and producing products to ensure the convenience and safety of farmers.

Changshin Agricultural Machinery will add hope to the local community and future agricultural development through sustainable technological innovation with a heart for beautiful nature and people based on faithfulness and sincerity.

Changshin Agricultural Machinery will always grow together with you as a mission of life agriculture.
기업상품 3