
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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  • 대표이사 권영길
  • 주소 전북 익산시 낭산면 낭산농공단지길 16 (석천리, (주)위캔글로벌) 위캔글로벌
  • 전화 063-862-5100
  • 팩스 063-862-5104
  • 이메일 wecanglobal21@gmail.com
  • 부스번호 W-1-2
  • 홈페이지 www.wecan21.com
WECAN GLOBAL owes endless technological development, creative minds and manufactures chemical free Rotavators.

WECAN GLOBAL has a great vision to build self-esteem, which is hard to imagine in the nature of reality of global agricultural machines . The fact of using our efforts for customer’s satisfaction and industry development of agricultural technology for making dreams to be reality.

WECAN GLOBAL is recognized in the world's agricultural machinery industry as a leading technology and exports confidently to 40 countries with fast and reliable service around the world. We hope that all the countries have the same agricultural machinery technology to alleviate all the global crisis and challenges.

WECAN GLOBAL hopes and look forward to all the nations on the globe to join in the business paradigm of agricultural machinery technology as a global company.
기업상품 5