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woman-friendly type


Female-friendly agricultural machinery

  • Looking at the statistics for the last 10 years, the proportion of female farmers continues at 51%, but it is expected that the proportion of female farmers will increase due to the aging of rural areas. It is expected that the agricultural work of female farmers at agricultural sites will gradually become more sophisticated.
  • It is expected that if the field agriculture mechanization business promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Foods as the main policy of agricultural mechanization further develops, agricultural work using the machines of women, who are the main human resources of field agriculture, will become universal.

Current status of promotion

  • The medium- to long-term goal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food is to increase the mechanization rate of field agriculture to 100%. Currently, the goal is to raise the mechanization rate of field agriculture, which is about 60%, to 70% by 2021. In particular, in the basic plan for medium- to long-term development of agricultural mechanization, we will focus on improving the quality and performance of agricultural machinery parts that are friendly to women and the elderly for smooth field agricultural mechanization, and demand for women and the elderly. We presented a detailed plan to develop agricultural machinery that reflects the above.
  • For female farmers who have emerged as core rural human resources, the Rural Development Administration is promoting the spread of 93,234 female-friendly agricultural machines as part of the government's policy on mechanization of field agriculture.
  • Efforts for "development of women-friendly agricultural machinery" are being made continuously by the Rural Development Administration. Over the last five years ('14 -'18), 29 types of women-friendly agricultural machinery and equipment have been developed, and 93,234 units have become widespread. 19 types of small, lightweight, automated agricultural machinery that are easy for women to handle are being developed, and 10 types of equipment and protected areas are for women's health and safety.
Current status of women-friendly agricultural machinery and equipment development by the Rural Development Administration
Development year 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total
Development model 5 6 6 6 6 29
Popular number 20,260 70,073 251 182 468 93,234
  • 농진청의 개발 계획이 추진되고 있는 여성친화형 농기계와 부품 기술은 운전석에 가변 서스펜션시트 채택, 조작레버 등 운전제어장치의 인간공학적 설계 적용과 함께 다양한 여성친화형 농기계 개발이 추진되고 있다. 현재 밭농업기계화의 발목을 잡는 분야인 채소·과채류 파종·정식기와 수확기를 비롯해 재배·관리기와 다양한 편이장비 등이다.
  • 파종·정식기는 인삼직파기, 나리구근정식기, 승용양파정식기, 승용고추정식기 등을 개발하고 있으며 수확기는 무수확기, 배추수확기, 양파수확기, 마늘수확기, 자주식들깨탈곡기 등이 개발 추진되고 있다.
  • 재배·관리기는 토양소독기, 과수용방제기, 변량시비기, 밭고랑제초기 등이며 편이장비는 균형유지 일륜수레, 온열 스트레스 예방 보호장치, 경량 급이수레 등이 개발중이다.
  • The development of field agricultural machinery by the Agricultural Promotion Agency is intertwined with the promotion of mechanization of the entire field crop process of the 10 major crops. The mechanization of the entire process of 2017 garlic, onions, sweet potatoes, potatoes, 2018 beans, 2019 radishes and sesame seeds, 2020 Chinese vegetables, and 2021 peppers and carrots is being promoted.

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