
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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Notification - Booth Installation, Move-in & Move-out
A. Schedule - Booth(Space-only) Installation / move-in & move-out* Please refer to the attached file below. (Schedule is subject to change.)* For space-only booth, please register “booth installation permit” on the website(vms.exco.co.kr) by 27 September, Friday.* Approval from the Exhibition Management Office is required for any booth installation during nighttime in advance. B. Move-in* All exhibits, including hand-carried items, must be moved into the booth by 18:00 on 29 October, Tuesday.* Hand-carrying or moving exhibits on 30 October, Wednesday is strictly prohibited.* Exhibitors must consult with the Exhibition Management Office in advance for forklift use outside of the scheduled time or if additional time is needed.* Exhibitors will receive the detailed schedule from the official forwarding agent, KEMI-LEE.* Exhibitors are temporarily required to be present on their booth during the move-in/out of exhibits.* The forklifts may only be used for moving exhibits in and out, and not for other purposes.* Parking is strictly prohibited in the EXCO loading dock and the aisles of the Exhibition Hall(tow-away zone). C. Move-out* Move-out for hand-carried items is permitted starting from 15:00 on 2 November, Saturday.* The forklifts will be available from 17:00 to 20:00 on 2 November, Saturday and from 08:00 to 18:00 on 3 November, Sunday.* The forklifts schedule will be adjusted based on circumstances and booth locations.* This schedule may be subject to change. D. Official forwarding agent   KEMI-LEE   Mr. Kyung-il Park   +82-10-8633-0423 / richard@kemi-lee.co.kr    



2024 Korea International Exhibition for Agricultural Machinery and Materials - Equipment Rental Information
We would like to introduce an equipment rental company for your exhibition. Please refer to it for your preparation. *Please submit it via email.  Contact: EXCO Promotionemail: yun017363@naver.comPhone: +82-53-601-5320Contact Person: Ms. Kim Jeong-sook     



KIEMSTA 2024 Form-1 : Application
KIEMSTA 2024 Form-1 : Application    



KIEMSTA 2024 Form-2 : Exhibitors official directory form(compulsory)
KIEMSTA 2024 Form-2 : Exhibitors official directory form(compulsory) 



KIEMSTA 2024 Form-3 : Exhibitors advertisement application(optional)
KIEMSTA 2024 Participation Application FormPlease refer to the following information.    



KIEMSTA 2024 Form-4 : Stand construction declaration
KIEMSTA 2024 Participation Application FormPlease refer to the following information.     


For those who would like to pre-register for watching this exhibition, please contact at kt@kamico.or.kr (For Individual & Group, No fees)
* For either way you pre-register or not, you can also watch the exhibition with on-site reservation.