
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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DaeHeungMetal Co.,Ltd

  • 대표이사 이상복
  • 주소 충남 아산시 신창면 학성로 82 (궁화리) (주)대흥금속
  • 전화 041-531-6060
  • 팩스 041-531-6063
  • 이메일 dhm3415@naver.com
  • 부스번호 G-12-13
  • 홈페이지 http://www.dhmt.co.kr
Daeheung Metal is a company specializing in refrigeration and air conditioning equipment established in 1990. It specializes in Fin&Tube heat exchangers applied to products such as industrial and marine air conditioners, industrial refrigerators, showcases, water purifiers, ice makers, dehumidifiers, automobile air conditioners, and home air conditioners. Since 2019, we have been directly developing, manufacturing and distributing agricultural air conditioners, underground water coolers, agricultural dehumidifiers, and electric heaters.
All employees are doing their best to secure the best quality, price competitiveness, and smooth product supply through customer-oriented policy. We ask for your continued interest and guidance. thank you
기업상품 3