
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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HNR-FOG of Fog Spraying Facility

  • 회사명Hannury. Ltd.
  • 부스번호WO-84
  • 전화0635348582
  • 팩스0635348581
  • 이메일han5348582@naver.com
  • 홈페이지http://한누리.net
  • 주소전북 정읍시 태인면 점촌길 13 (증산리, 한누리) 한누리
제품 특징
Mist spray facility (odor reduction facility): A mist spray facility that lowers the temperature in hot weather and reduces odors by spraying microorganisms. Easy to use that anyone can operate. Heater and thermostat to prevent freezing of machinery and pipes in winter. A high-pressure compressor removes water droplets generated during shutdown. With the intermediate valve, it is possible to select the whole spray or individual spraying of each house.