
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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ICT Smart Controllers

  • 회사명Hannury. Ltd.
  • 부스번호WO-84
  • 전화0635348582
  • 팩스0635348581
  • 이메일han5348582@naver.com
  • 홈페이지http://한누리.net
  • 주소전북 정읍시 태인면 점촌길 13 (증산리, 한누리) 한누리
제품 특징
ICT Smart Controller: Control all sites freely in my hand with ICT technology. A smart controller that can be connected to various products such as mist sprayer, ventilator, roof opener, winch curtain, and smart gatekeeper, and is easy to install and move. All functions such as sensor monitoring, control and setting, and data storage and analysis can be used quickly and easily through a smartphone.