
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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  • 부스번호W-9-1
  • 전화063-856-8057
  • 팩스063-856-8059
  • 이메일workman2121@naver.com
  • 홈페이지www.greenmax.co.kr
  • 주소전북 익산시 황등면 후정4길 58-34 (율촌리, 주식회사그린맥스) (주)그린맥스
제품 특징
Main purpose
For small and medium-sized tractors
Suitable Areas
Medium and small tractors for ploughing and rotary
Where you want to work at the same time (rice fields, fields combined)

•Excellent weed inhibition effect
•Excellent drainage and breathability
• Reduced working time and lower fuel consumption
I can do ploughing and rotary work at the same time.
Reduce working time and fuel consumption.
Below the crop planting department, it is crushed into a herd structure.
Because of the drainage and breathability and the fast of nutrients
Absorption is a great help in the growth of crops.
At a depth of about 40 cm, there is no sting of dirt at all.
There is no uncultivated land, so work effectively
I can.
While working with the cardiac tillage, the rear-mounted spring roller
You can work with reputation