
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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GROW BOX (Combination Type)

  • 부스번호G-6-16
  • 전화063-714-2528
  • 팩스063-714-2529
  • 이메일daeseung.2015@gmail.com
  • 홈페이지https://idaeseung.co.kr
  • 주소전북 전주시 덕진구 암실길 115 (반월동) 1동
제품 특징
GROW BOX (Combination Type)
External size 630x250x165mm (1 pot plate: 610mm)
Internal size 600x200x150mm about 14L
Combination method, The drip hose mountable, Division line

Features of trough
Drainage - Since the bottom is round, it prevents the water from being collected in the middle.
Bigger drains - By arranging a large number of circular drain holes, it is easy to manage because of good water drainage without water film phenomenon.
Lower support - It is also excellent in ventilation and water drainage in land.
Pipe installation - Pipe installation is possible anywhere on the lower support and side,