
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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Self-walking speed sprayer

  • 회사명Seshine Total Machine
  • 부스번호W-25-15
  • 전화054-832-0971
  • 팩스0303-3447-3109
  • 이메일chyj19@nate.com
  • 홈페이지seshine.co.kr
  • 주소경북 의성군 봉양면 분토1길 29 (분토리) 세신종합기계
제품 특징
The walking speed sprayer by Seshin General Machine has been converted into a patent-registered Fen, which generates fundamental winds, and has obtained a patent for invention as an efficient Fen that can generate a lot of wind with a lower rotation than the wings of the passenger speed sprayer.
The air-cooled engine with low self-rotation power can produce wind close to the passenger type speed sprayer, which is comparable to the passenger type SS in terms of prevention efficiency when there is no wind.
In addition, the Seshin speed sprayer has excellent control efficiency in terms of function and performance, so the effective spray distance flies more than 8m from left to right, and the price is also very low, making it convenient and safe for small farmers and old people.
The Seshin speed sprayer is easy to use even in sloping fields, and it is a product registered with the Public Procurement Service, so it is easy to trust and use because it is an item subject to Nonghyup loans or government support