
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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  • 회사명Myungbo Energy CO., Ltd
  • 부스번호G-16-9
  • 전화1800-0369
  • 팩스053-939-0369
  • 이메일myungbo2008@daum.net
  • 홈페이지www.mbenergy.co.kr
  • 주소경북 경산시 삼풍로 27 (삼풍동) 본부동 508호(삼풍동, 경북테크노파크)
제품 특징
This product is an agricultural water-ion-amplification wet-type heating device.
The heating value is 98.2% (certified by the Korea Institute of Production Technology), which is the highest among hot air heaters produced in South Korea.
By constructing a proportional control system based on an inverter, the average power consumption is lower than the standard power consumption, but the efficiency remains the same.
In particular, this product does not have a commonly used heat rod, and the electrode rod generates heat by forcibly vibrating water molecules, so it is semi-permanent in durability, and there is no permanent reduction in thermal efficiency.
As individual temperature sensors are applied, the temperature inside the greenhouse is the same across the center and edge, and also no separate smart farm central control facility is required.
A double plastic house, multi-layered thermal curtain, or water screen facility was installed, and the temperature in the 660㎡ greenhouse can be maintained at 8 degrees Celsius with one equipment when the ceiling is 2.5m and the outside temperature is -15 degrees Celsius.
In addition, the standard power consumption is 12 kW, but with the inverter proportional control system, the actual operating power is about 8 kW, which is very economical.
The outer case has a orange colored powder coating on the zinc steel sheet for excellent corrosion resistance and durability.
This device uses three-phase 380V electricity.