
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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Multi-purpose spreader

  • 부스번호W-6-2
  • 전화0632917010
  • 팩스0632917011
  • 이메일adolph-kim@iris-spreaders.com
  • 홈페이지www.iksanfm.com
  • 주소전북 익산시 왕궁면 쌍제1길 62 (쌍제리, 익산농기계) 전라북도 익산시 왕궁면 쌍제리 541-11 익산농기계
제품 특징
IOD series
- The only multi-purpose spreader with a shutter that spread organic compost, pelleted, etc. and other shutter that spread granular fertilizer such as siliceous and complex fertilizers(patented)
- Reliable discharge of organic compost, etc. by the double forced screw discharge method (patented)
- Various parts such as hopper, spreading disc, spreading vane, and spreading prevention plate are made of stainless steel and have good durability.
- The frame is designed to withstand the load of fertilizer as much as possible, so it is strong even when heavy siliceous material is loaded and spread.
- The amount of spreading can be adjusted from the driver\'s seat using a hydraulic cylinder (option)

IODD series
- The only multi-purpose spreader with a shutter that spread organic compost, pelleted, etc. and other shutter that spread granular fertilizer such as siliceous and complex fertilizers(patented)
- Reliable discharge of organic compost, etc. by the double forced screw discharge method (patented)
- Various parts such as hopper, spreading disc, spreading vane, and spreading prevention plate are made of stainless steel and have good durability.
- The frame is designed to withstand the load of fertilizer as much as possible, so it is strong even when heavy siliceous material is loaded and spread.
- Wide spreading range with two spreading disc and evenly spreads
- The amount of spreading can be adjusted from the driver\'s seat by using a hydraulic cylinder
- Suitable for use in large farms as a large-capacity fertilizer hopper