
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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  • 부스번호E-30-1
  • 전화01052352632
  • 팩스031-491-3122
  • 이메일mslee620@naver.com
  • 홈페이지www.maxgear.co.kr
  • 주소경기 안산시 단원구 산단로 325 (신길동, 리드 스마트스퀘어 지식산업센터) 322호
제품 특징
1. Better grip and safety
The grip of the pumping handle is good. Existing products cause hand pinching, but our products are designed to prevent hand pinching.
2. Stable structure & light weight
The fuel tank is wider and flatter, so the fogger is stable without falling over.
3. Less loss and more efficient
The pumping pipe is shorter, so it can be sprayed more in a shorter time, making it more efficient and easier to use with less user fatigue.
4. Easy to use
There is a fuel cap in the fuel tank, so there is no need to separate the fuel tank when filling the fuel.
5. No coil clogging
The short pipe prevents coil clogging.
6. Compact and European design
It is a great compact design due to short pumping pipes and wide, flat fuel tank. And it was designed with a luxurious yellow European design.