
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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  • 부스번호E-22-1
  • 전화031-266-0011
  • 팩스031-266-2119
  • 이메일postoa@postoa.com
  • 홈페이지www.postfarm.co.kr
  • 주소경기 용인시 기흥구 흥덕중앙로 120 (영덕동, U-TOWER) B143호~B145호
제품 특징
[ MODEL : PF-30 ]

- Chives harvester / Electric harvester / Leaf Harvester / Agricultural harvester
- Applicable to chives

* Government loan support
* Korea Agriculture Technology Promotion Agency(KOAT) - comprehensive test completed
* Peeling and harvesting at the same time, a harvester with a peeling function

- Product Features
1) Function of removing dirt of roots during the harvesting stage is implemented
2) Both steering wheels facilitate 360-degree turns in place
3) High-quality battery that can help harvest more than 6 hours with a single charge
4) Clean harvest can be done even with vinyl mulching (Adjustable cutting height)
5) Convenient battery replacement (Only takes 10 minutes)
6) A large amount of crops can be harvested at one time, reducing working time
7) Eco-friendly product with no noise and no exhaust gas (By using DV 24V battery for cars)
8) Easy to operate, anyone can use
9) Easy follow-up management with stainless steel material

* YouTube link