
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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  • 부스번호G-5-2
  • 전화055-272-0482
  • 팩스055-272-0483
  • 이메일shinhan3000@hanmail.net
  • 홈페이지http://www.sh1000.co.kr/
  • 주소경남 창원시 마산합포구 진북면 진북산업로 116-31 (망곡리) 신한에이텍(주)
제품 특징
The system analyzes the information obtained from various sensors such as weather sensor, greenhouse sensor, and soil sensor, and keeps the internal environment of the greenhouse optimally for crop growth.

GK-3000, a complex environmental control system, can be controlled by linking the company's and other companies' nutrient solution supply systems.
Various communication methods (RS-232, RS-485, wireless) are used, and convenient monitoring is possible by using the LCD panel.

In addition, through the time and temperature setting management function, automatic opening/closing setting is possible when an alarm occurs, and it can optimally respond to the management and change of the crop growth environment after connecting a computer and smart device, which is the biggest advantage, and combines convenience and efficiency to create a smart agricultural environment.

-Program and Hardware Features-

ㅇ Control function of nutrient solution system of company and other companies

ㅇ Setting value error content cell phone text message notification function (option)

ㅇ Plant medium temperature measurement function

ㅇ Convenient monitoring by using panel LCD

ㅇ Digital output AC24V, DC24V output switching function

ㅇ Use of various communication methods (RS-232, RS-485, wireless)

ㅇ When computer is down, setting value maintenance function and device operation 100%

ㅇ Hardware and software own original technology