
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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80A High Pressure Power Sprayer (DDT-80A)

  • 부스번호W-27-4
  • 전화054-955-6222
  • 팩스054-955-6333
  • 이메일daedeok-tech@naver.com
  • 홈페이지
  • 주소경북 고령군 성산면 성산로 804 (기족리) 대덕테크
제품 특징
Power sprayer characteristics

It's compact and lightweight, so it's easy to carry, and it's easy to combine with a cultivator and a motor and an engine

Low pressure fluctuation and low vibration due to the lateral three-row plunger method

Easy to adjust the pressure with pressure regulator depending on use such as prevention and cleaning

Large capacity stainless steel air chambers are used to improve pressure and minimize vibration

Stainless steel with excellent corrosion resistance and wear resistance is improved by using a precisely polished plunger
CYLINDER WITH SPECIAL Rust Resistance on SPECIAL CAST IRON improves corrosion resistance

Use a connecting rod made of bronze to enhance abrasion resistance by friction with the crankshaft

Improved durability by using ceramic for regulatory valves requiring high strength and wear resistance

Use a cylindrical valve with a simple structure and smooth operation