
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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Fair overview

  • Korean : 2010 대한민국 국제농기계 자재박람회
  • English : Korea International Exhibition of Machinery, Equipment, Science & Technology for Agriculture 2010
  • Abbreviation : KIEMSTA2010
  • Period: 2010. 11. 03 (Wed) ~ 06 (Sat)
  • Location: Cheonan Samgeori Park, Chungcheongnam-do
  • Organizer: Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
  • Organized by: Korea Agricultural Machinery Industry Cooperative, Cheonan City, Farmers Newspaper
  • Sponsored by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Rural Development Administration, Korea Forest Service, Chungcheongnam-do, National Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives, Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business, Korea Agricultural Machinery Society, Korea Federation of Agricultural Entrepreneurs, Korea Rice Farmers Federation
  • Organization: Exhibition Halls (Halls 1-6), Future Agricultural Advanced Halls, Additional Events

For those who would like to pre-register for watching this exhibition, please contact at kt@kamico.or.kr (For Individual & Group, No fees)
* For either way you pre-register or not, you can also watch the exhibition with on-site reservation.