
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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Past show


  • Period: 2018. 10. 31 (Wed) ~ 11. 03 (Sat), 4 days
  • Venue : Cheonan Samgeori Park, Chungcheongnam-do (Expo site: 42,422㎡, Additional events: 200,000㎡)
  • Exhibition Scale: 2,112 booths
  • Participation by country: 460 companies from 33 countries (domestic: 383 companies, overseas: 77 companies)

* 453 companies in 28 countries in 2016 (domestic: 376 companies, overseas: 77 companies)
※ 77 overseas companies: companies that have exclusive contracts with foreign companies and domestic companies

Participation by country: 460 companies from 33 countries (383 domestic, 77 overseas)
Country name Korea France Turkey Thailand China Japan Italy Israel Austria Ireland
Number of companies 383 2 2 2 8 12 16 2 2 2
Country name Spain Sweden Sri Lanka Vietnam USA Germany Denmark Norway Netherlands Greece
Number of companies 2 3 1 1 4 5 1 1 2 2
Country name Portugal Finland Philippine Note
Number of companies 1 1 1 *Overseas companies are companies that have exclusive contracts with foreign companies and domestic companies

※ 2016: 453 companies in 28 countries (376 domestic companies, 77 overseas companies in 27 countries)

Participation status by field: 460 companies, 432 items
Category Number of companies Number of models
Tillage, Suspension, Cultivation 41 57
Animal husbandry 42 34
Transplanting, Transplant, Sowing 34 39
For fruit trees, Forestry 51 67
Cultivation management 54 87
Facilities Agricultural Equipment and Others 166 66
Agricultural processing and post-harvest treatment 72 82
Total 460 432

※ ‘16: 453 companies, 422 items

Consultation and contract performance during the exhibition period
Category 10.31 (Wed) 11.01 (Thu) 11.02 (Fri) 11.03 (Sat) Total
Visitor Domestic observer Group 47,187 43,003 44,554 21,904 156,648
Personal 28,313 27,325 28,951 43,889 128,478
Foreigner 1,320 1,225 1,345 1,127 5,017
Total 76,820 71,553 74,850 66,920 290,143
Consultation and contract performance during the exhibition period
Division Export Domestic consumption Total
Number of cases 4,780 3,278 8,058
Unit: KRW million
287,428 42,934 330,362

For those who would like to pre-register for watching this exhibition, please contact at kt@kamico.or.kr (For Individual & Group, No fees)
* For either way you pre-register or not, you can also watch the exhibition with on-site reservation.