
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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Operation of Smart Agricultural Innovation Center
  • Purpose : Improving understanding of agricultural growth engines and presenting vision by providing future agricultural machinery information such as autonomous driving, big data management, and artificial intelligence
  • Date : November 2nd (Wednesday) to November 5th (Saturday), 4 days
  • Venue/Scale : West Building 1F, 35 booths
  • Main contents of the exhibition
Number Company Name Exhibited Product (Model Name) Main contents Exhibition Method
1 LS Tractor (MT7.115) 1980*4045*2750 Level 2.5 Physical display, video, panel
2 TYM Tractor (T130) 4490*2360*2940 Level 2 Physical display, video, panel
3 Rice transplanter(RGO650) 3470*2095*1680 Level 2 Physical display, video, panel
4 Asiatech Autonomous Sprayer(ASIA500) 2200*1200*1200 autonomous driving Physical display, video, panel
5 Daedong Tractor (HX1400) 2267*4500*3011 Level 3 Physical display, video, panel
6 Combine (DXM120GS) 2430*4980*2780 Level 3 Physical display, video, panel
7 Open-field Smart Farm Growing Apples with Digital Technology Panel, Video
8 Automated Smart Pest Control Robot Sprayer Physical display, Video
9 See agriculture in the sky (Drones) Physical display, Panel, Video
10 Drone agricultural mechanization technology Physical display, Panel, Video
11 Facility Smart Farm Automated Tomato Yield Measurement Robot System Physical display, Video, Hands-on experience
12 Tomato, strawberry, disease diagnosis technology experience using AI Video, Hands-on experience
13 Livestock Smart Farming Robot milking machine “Dairybot” Panel, Video
14 Development and commercialization of unmanned driving type TMR feeding robot Panel, Video
15 Livestock Monitoring System Panel
16 Smart Traps Automated Greenhouse Pest Detection and Diagnosis System Panel, Demonstration
17 Unmanned Pest Control System Panel, Physical display
18 Smart Aerial Catcher, Micro Insects Prediction Trap Panel, Physical display
19 Experience Simulation (Tractor, Field Cultivator) - VR Augmented Reality Experience Physical display, Panel, Experience
20 Tomato Cultivation - VR Simulation Physical display, Panel, Experience
Operation of Export Matching Program (November 2nd to 5th) / Buyer Support Centers in East and West Halls
  • Objective : Providing matching services between domestic companies and overseas buyers, as well as support for domestic companies wishing to expand internationally.
  • Main contents (overseas buyers) : Support for trade-related services such as export consultation and related company matching service, import and export procedures, and customs duties
  • Main contents (domestic company) : import and export procedures and contracts, interpretation service
International Agricultural Machinery Symposium (November 2nd, 13:00-18:00) / Room 325 in West Hall
  • Organizer : Korean Society of Agricultural Machinery
  • Participants : About 300 people including professors, researchers, university students, and workers in related industries
  • Main Content
Time Topic Speaker Title
13:30-14:00 Registration
14:00-14:15 Opening and Welcome Remarks Kangjin Lee President of Korean Society of Agricultural Machinery
14:15-14:25 Introduction to the International Agricultural Machinery Council Charlie O’Brien American Agricultural Machinery Association Secretary General
14:25-14:40 Sustainable agricultural machinery opportunities and challenges Ignacio Ruiz President of the Association of Spanish Agricultural Machinery Councils and Association of Agricultural, Forestry and Landscaping Machinery
14:40-15:10 Trends in mechanization of special crops and special agriculture Federico Soresina Senior Researcher at BCS S.p.A (Italy)
15:10-15:40 Advancements and Technological Trends in Autonomous Systems Michael Gomes Vice President, Business Strategy Development, Topcon, USA
15:40-15:55 Break
15:55-16:10 agricultural machinery industry and technology Europe : Marco Pezzini Italian Agricultural Machinery Confederation European Director General
16:10-16:25 North America : Curt Blades Senior Vice President, Equipment Manufacturers Association of America
16:25-16:40 South America : Eduardo Borri Metlafor S.A. and President of Argentine Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing
16:40-16:55 U.K : Stephen Howarth British Society of Agricultural Engineers Agricultural Economist
16:25-16:40 Korea : Youngsun Kang Chungnam National University Distinguished Professor
17:10 Closing
Agricultural Robot Contest (11.3, 9:00~18:00) / Hall AB, Room 325, West Building
  • Organizer : Korean Society of Agricultural Machinery
  • Mission : Automatically drive through a work route in an environment created by replicating the shape of an orchard.
  • Eligibility : Undergraduate or graduate students from domestic universities
  • Schedule : Application Submission (September 26th - October 7th) → Preliminary Round (Documentary Evaluation, until October 12th) → Idea Implementation (November 2nd) → Final Competition and Award Ceremony (November 3rd)
  • Award Categories
Category Team Award
Grand Prize Seoul National University ARO Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Award
The top Prize Kyungpook National University AIM Rural Development Administration Award
Excellence Prize Kangwon National University Apple Killer Rural Development Administration Award
Outstanding Idea Award Chungnam National University V12 Korea Agricultural Machinery Society President Award
Design Award Seoul National University ARO Korea Agricultural Machinery Industry Cooperative Association Chairman Award

Smart Farm Policy and Export Expansion Seminar

Policy Seminar on Advancement Strategies for Protected Horticulture Industry (November 3rd, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM) / Room 315, Exhibition Center
  • Host/Organizer: Korean Protected Horticulture Association / Korea Farmers and Fishermen's Newspaper
  • Attendance: Approximately 70 participants, including members of the Korean Protected Horticulture Association and other affiliated organizations
  • Main Contents
Category Lecture Contents Presenter
Lecture 1 Direction of Protected Horticulture Policies and Current Support Programs Choi Young-jun, Director of Horticultural Management Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs
Lecture 2 Status of Smart Farm Research and Development Park Jong-rak, Director of Smart Farm Research and Development Division
Lecture 3 Case Studies in Protected Horticulture Farming Ryu Ji-bong, CEO of Bongnongwon (Farming Park)
Smart Farm Technology and Export Activation Seminar (November 4th, Room 306, Exhibition Center)
  • Organized by: Korea Smart Farm Industry Association
  • Objective: Exploring strategies for fostering the development of smart farm ICT companies, as well as enhancing export activation. Sharing innovative technologies and trends in the field.
  • Target Audience: 120 individuals from smart farm-related companies
  • Main Contents
Time Event Content Remarks
15:00 ~ 15:10 Opening and Welcome Remarks
15:10 ~ 15:30 Smart Farm Export Policies and Activation Strategies
15:30 ~ 15:50 #1 Successful Case Studies and Challenges in Smart Farm Export
15:50 ~ 16:10 #2 Achievements and Challenges in Smart Farm Export
16:20 ~ 16:40 Utilizing AI in Smart Farming and Technological Trends
16:40 ~ 17:00 Trends in Smart Farm Cloud and Data Utilization
17:00 ~ 17:10 Closing
- Visitor giveaway event (November 2~5) / Special stage for the opening ceremony of the West Building
  • How to participate in prizes: Access pass (name tag) barcode recognition (2 locations, behind West Building 3rd Floor and East Building 4th Hall)
  • Lottery: Electronic lottery at 16:00
  • prize details :386 items across 25 equipment types from 20 companies

For those who would like to pre-register for watching this exhibition, please contact at kt@kamico.or.kr (For Individual & Group, No fees)
* For either way you pre-register or not, you can also watch the exhibition with on-site reservation.