
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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Past show

Results of the event

  • Period : November 2nd (Wednesday) - November 5th (Saturday), 2022 / 4 days
  • Venue: EXCO (42,000㎡)
  • Exhibition Scale: 2,164 booths
  • Participation by Country: 443 companies from 25 countries (360 domestic, 83 international)
Participation : 443 companies / 2,164부스
Category Total domestic overseas
Number of Companies 443 360(81%) 83(19%)
Status by country (83 overseas companies)
Country China Netherlands Japan Italy Germany United States France
Number of Companie 12 9 9 9 8 6 5
Country Austria Taiwan Turkey Sweden Ireland India Thailand
Number of Companies 3 3 2 2 2 1 1
Country Israel Indonesia Philippines Finland Poland Singapore Slovenia
Number of Companies 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Country United Kingdom Norway Sri Lanka
Number of Companies 1 1 1
Status of entries by sector: smart farm agricultural equipment, agricultural robots, etc
Category Number of Companies Number of Models
Plowing and harrowing Machine 28 42
Harvesting Machine 34 42
Seeding machine 25 34
Cultivation management machine 71 62
Orchard Machine 22 34
Facility agricultural equipment 101 117
Agricultural processing machine 22 16
Livestock Machine 26 30
Forestry Machine 11 8
Parts and Others 103 65
Total 443 450
Visitor Status
Category November 2nd November 3rd November 4th November 5th Total
Number of Visitors 54,196 51,130 38,389 34,242 177,957

※ Counting method: Counting at the entrance to West Halls 1 and 3 (Grand Ballroom) and East Halls 4 and 6

Consultation and contract performance
Category Export Domestic Total
Number of Cases 2,387 3,341 5,728
Performance (KRW 100 million) 6,300 730 7,030

※ For export and domestic demand, consultation and contract results include the amount of on-site and reservation sales

For those who would like to pre-register for watching this exhibition, please contact at kt@kamico.or.kr (For Individual & Group, No fees)
* For either way you pre-register or not, you can also watch the exhibition with on-site reservation.