
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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Past show

Results of the event

  • Period: 2012. 10. 30 (Tue) - 11. 03 (Sat) (5 days)
  • Venue: Cheonan Samgeori Park, Chungcheongnam-do (43,165㎡) (Expo site: 40,425㎡, Kite market and used agricultural machinery: 2,740㎡)
  • Participation by country: 363 companies from 22 countries (283 domestic companies, 80 overseas companies from 21 countries)
Participation Status by Country: 363 companies from 22 countries (283 domestic companies, 80 overseas companies from 21 countries)
country name Korea Japan Germany Italy Netherlands USA China Finland France
Number of companies 283 22 11 11 8 4 3 3 2
Number of models 387 30 17 24 13 5 3 2 8
Country name India Taiwan Denmark Belgium New Zealand Sweden Spain England Etc
Number of companies 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 5
Number of models 3 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 5

※ Others (Ireland, Austria, Canada, Thailand, Turkey), the number of models including duplication by country
※ 2010: 271 companies in 26 countries (214 domestic companies, 57 overseas companies in 25 countries)

Participation status by sector: 363 companies, 402 models
Category Number of companies Number of models Category Number of companies Number of models
Tillage, Suspension, Cultivation 35 26 Cultivation management machine 68 60
Livestock machinery 44 44 Facility horticultural materials 99 121
Transplanting, transplanting, seeding 17 30 Harvesting machine 27 24
Agricultural processing machine 29 34 Forestry machinery 6 7
Fertilizer, agricultural bio 7 10 Seeds, seedlings, raising seedlings 6 1
Part 25 45 Total 363 402

※ 2010: 271 companies, 367 models

Visiting Status
Classification 10.30 10.31 11.01 11.02 11.03 Total
Visitors Domestic observer 92,080 50,920 50,250 52,530 67,100 312,880
Foreigner 780 920 613 521 655 3,489
Subtotal 92,860 51,840 50,863 53,051 67,755 316,369
Consultation and contract performance during the fair
Classification Export Domestic consumption Total
number of cases 1,956 3,956 5,912
Unit: KRW million
145,376 47,030 192,406

Note) Export is consultation performance, and domestic demand is contract performance, which includes on-site contracts and pre-order sales.

For those who would like to pre-register for watching this exhibition, please contact at kt@kamico.or.kr (For Individual & Group, No fees)
* For either way you pre-register or not, you can also watch the exhibition with on-site reservation.