
Korean International Agricultural Machinery Materials Fair

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Past show

Results of the event

  • Period: 2014. 10. 29 (Wed) ∼ 11. 01 (Sat), 4 days
  • Venue: Cheonan Samgeori Park, Chungcheongnam-do (Expo site: 38,270㎡, Additional event: 101,000㎡)
  • Participation by country: 372 companies from 26 countries (304 domestic companies, 68 overseas companies from 25 countries)

※ 68 overseas companies: companies that have exclusive contracts with foreign companies and domestic companies

Participation Status by Country: 453 companies from 28 countries (376 domestic companies, 77 overseas companies from 27 countries)
Country name Korea China Japan USA Italy India Germany Taiwan Spain
Number of companies 304 61 46 40 47 31 11 10 4
Number of models 418 146 294 234 178 94 41 41 4
Country name Netherlands England Denmark NewZealand Austria Finland France Etc Total
Number of companies 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 13 589
Number of models 120 13 9 6 5 2 2 527 2,134

※ Others (Sweden, Sri Lanka, Latvia, Australia, Hungary, Thailand, Turkey, Serbia, Israel, Philippines), including duplication by country
※ 2012: 363 companies in 22 countries (283 domestic companies, 80 overseas companies in 21 countries)

Participation status by sector: 453 companies, 422 items
Category Number of companies Number of models Category Number of companies Number of models
Tillage, Suspension, Cultivation 40 56 Cultivation management machine 65 75
livestock machinery 30 32 Facility horticultural materials 50 34
transplanting, transplanting, seeding 19 23 harvesting machine 26 42
agricultural processing machine 26 30 Fruit tree forestry machinery 36 52
fertilizer, agricultural bio 10 13 Corporate PR Center 28 28
parts and more 42 33 Total 372 418

※ 2014: 372 companies, 418 models

Visiting Status
Classification 10.29 (Wed) 10.30 (Thu) 10.31 (Fri) 11.01 (Sat) Total
Visitors Domestic observer 75,840 63,599 74,438 61,275 275,152
Foreigner 1,357 981 994 956 4,288
Subtotal 77,197 64,580 75,432 62,231 279,440
Consultation and contract performance during the fair
Classification Export Domestic consumption Total
number of cases 2,347 3,747 6,094
Unit: KRW million
261,600 35,043 296,643

For those who would like to pre-register for watching this exhibition, please contact at kt@kamico.or.kr (For Individual & Group, No fees)
* For either way you pre-register or not, you can also watch the exhibition with on-site reservation.